A filing cabinet

Wait, aren’t filing cabinets just for businesses and offices and schools and stuff?

That’s what my untrained, childlike millennial brain thought too! But no, basically any person can use one of these in their household. It doesn’t even have to be a real cabinet with a key and stuff; they make simple boxes for files that are quite cheap. Just get something with the two little bars that can hold folders with the hooky things, and buy a pick pack of those folders.

Keeping track of important papers is something that’s always caused me stress. Where am I supposed to keep this stuff? How am I supposed to find that one specific paper I need when it’s crammed into some random box in my closet?

This is another one of those things that should be obvious, but for whatever reason it wasn’t obvious for me. But now every important paper goes into one little drawer, and I always know where things are when I need them.


Cheese powder


Pepper grinder